THE GILLY FLOWER (J8x32) 3C (4C set) P Roberts RSCDS Bk 36
1- 8 1+2Cs dance Set & Rotate, (1C finish facing down) to flow into
9-16 2+1+3Cs dance reels of 3 on sides (1C pass 3C by LSh to start).
17-24 2+1Cs dance RH across, 1+3Cs dance LH across.
25-32 2+1+3Cs set advancing to form circle (2bars) (no hands), set turning right about (2bars), (Anticipating) that you dance on straight into RH across 2bars & chase clockwise to places (2bars).
This YouTube is less professional than the one I prefer (but I couldn’t get it to function). It is accurate 🙂