A SUMMER MEETING (S3x32) 3C I Townshend RSCDS Book 48
1- 4 1+3Cs turn 3/4 RH into line in middle (M face up, W face down) and set, while 2C turn RH 1/2 way, face, pull back RSh, dance out to opposite sides
5- 8 1+3Cs 1/2 reel of 4, finish 3W/1M in middle facing 2M/2W (3M+1W remain at ends in middle)
9-12 1M+2C+3W 1/2 reel of 4 across. Finish facing partners in line up/down middle (2C finish in original places)
13-16 3+1Cs set, turn partners 3/4 RH to own sides 3 2 1
17-20 3M+2W set advancing, turn 3/4 2H, pull back RSH to face down/up while 3W+2M dance anticlockwise round to finish facing partners.
21-24 2+3Cs set to partners and petronella turn to own sides 2 3 1 (modified Bourrel)
25-32 3+1Cs dance Diamond (all-round) Poussette