London’s Burning – 21 October

Each couple dance 32 bars. A New Couple starts after 16 bars (ie on bars 1, 17, 33 & 49)


1-8     1s+2s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s in & down to start)

9-16     1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross LH & cast down 1 place

17-24     (New Couple starts as at bar 1) New couple starts reels of 3 on sides (new top couple in & down to start with original 1s in 3rd place)

25-32     Original 1s+4s facing each other on sides set & change places with nearer hand (1s dancing out), set again to each other & 1s set to partner while new couple dance bars 9-32