Ann Dix RSCDS Book 41
Strathspey 4 x 32 bars 4 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Square Set
1-2 1M3L 1L3M turn by the right halfway;
3-4 1M 1L 3M 3L pull right shoulder back and dance out to opposite side;
5-8 1M 1L 3M 3L cast to the right, dance one place clockwise round and cast inwards to face out WHILE 2M 2L 4M 4L repeat bars 1-4 and face in;
9-16 2L1L3M4M 2M1M3L4L reels of 4 across;
17-20 2s1s 3s4s 4 hands round to the left;
21-22 2s set facing 1s WHILE 3s set facing 4s;
23-24 2s1s 3s4s right hands across halfway;
25-28 2s4s left hands across;
29-32 2M passing 1M, 2L passing 1L, 4L passing 3L, 4M passing 3M (all right shoulder) dance out and cast clockwise one place, finishing 2s3s4s1s