THE DANDELION PICKER (R8X32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour
1- 8 1’s turn RH and cast 1 place (2’s step up), 1’s turn LH to face 4th corners
9-16 1’s dance ½ diagonal reel with 4th corners and pass RSh to face 1st corners, 1’s dance ½ diagonal reel with 1st corners to end 1L between 3’s, 1M between 2’s
17-24 1’s dance diagonal R&L (up/down):-
‘ 17-20 1’s change places RH with dancer diagonally to Right, dancers change places LH at ends of set
‘ 21-24 1’s change places RH with dancer diagonally to Left, dancers change places LH at ends of set. 1’s end facing 4th corners
25-32 RSh reels of 3 across, 1L+2’s (at top) and 1M+3’s (at bottom) and 1’s cross RH to own sides bars 31-32