The Aviator (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Bk 52 Carola Fischer
1-4 1C lead down the middle, on bar 4 1M crosses his partner in front so they both face the M’s side, (2C step up on 3+4).
5-8 1W followed by her partner dances out & up the M’s side coming in Between 2+3M to finish facing 3W.
9-16 1C dance a swap over reel of three with 3W+2M, however, on bar 13 1W leaves the reel & turns 3M LH, finishing the turn slipping in Behind 1M who finishes the reel facing 2W.
17-24 1C repeat bars 9-16 with 2W+3M but this time 1M turns 3W they finish in 2nd place facing up.
25-32, 1C dance up round 2C by RSh 1M round 2W, 1W round 2M, 1W chases 1M who crosses the set in 2nd pl, & 2+1+3C’s take hands & set on the side.