Butterfly (4x32R) 4C set The Musicians’ Wedding
1-8 1C dance in & cast 1 place (2C step up 3&4) 1&3C’s advance & retire.
9-16 1+3C’s dance the chain progression finishing retaining partners RH in the centre,
(W facing down M facing up).
17-24 2+4Cs dance a tandem swap over RH reel of 3 across the set W with 4C,
M with 2C (swap over happens on bars 19&20 only) order now 2314
25-32 1+4Cs take hands on the side set advancing, 2bars (finish facing up) 1C cast to 4th
place & face up, 4C dance up & curve outwards to face down, 1C dancing up through
the middle turn 4C, to finish in the order of 2341.