PURPLE HEATHER JIG (J4x40) 4C set John Bowie Dickson Dunedin Dances Book 5
3rd and 4th couples start on opposite sides
1- 8 1st and 4th couples turn RH, cast in 1 place (as 2nd & 3rd couples step up/down) and turn LH 1½ times to end between 2s/3s (Man facing Lady)
9-16 1st +2nd couples also 4th +3rd couples dance a Right Shoulder reel of 4 across
17-24 1st and 4th couples turn corners Right Hand, dance Left Hands across ½ way to face other corner, turn corners Right Hand and turn partner Left Hand to end between 2s/3s (Man facing Lady again)
25-32 4th +2nd couples also 1st +3rd couples dance Right Shoulder reels of 4 across
33-40 1st and 4th couples giving Right Hand dance out ends, cross, cast and turn partners RH
This is a busy dance and requires that you are an independent dancer and able to maintain the pace throughout the dance.