1–8 1s+2s+3s dance Mirror (Reflection) reels of 3 on sides (1s in/down to start)
9–16 1s set, cast (2s step up) & turn RH. 1L casts to 3rd place, 1M casts up to 1st place (2M steps down & 3L steps up)
17–24 All dance 3 couple Bourrel:
17–20 1M+3L also 2M+1L set advcg & 3/4 turn 2H to line up/down middle then pull back RSh turning to face own partners as 3M & 2L chase anticl’wise to face them
21–24 All set & turn 2H to own sides. 3 1 2
25–32 3s+1s+2s circle 6H round & back