The Mercat Cross (S) – 01 July

(This dance may be walked through quickly on Monday)


1-4     1C+3C set, petronella turn into line up/down.

5-8     1C+3C 1/2 reels of 4.

9-12   1M+2C+3W LHA while 1W+3M chase clw to change places.

13-20 Repeat bars 5-12 (1/2 reel of 4, LHA or chase halfway).

21-24  1C+3C 1&1/4 turn RH, 1C finishing NHJ & 3C in original place. 2C step in & face up.

24-32  1C+2C Rondel, but on 29-32 3C set advancing, make arch and dance to 2nd place as 1C dance to 3rd place.