RSCDS Fees are due at the end of August. RSCDS Membership entitles you to the following:

  • A $100 discount to attend Summer School and reduced door charges to many events;
  • The annual NZ Scottish Country Dancer magazine;
  • RSCDS magazine The Scottish Country Dancer;
  • The Kiwi News published by the NZ Branch, 3 times a year;

The fees for 2024/25 are:

  • Full Adult Annual Fee $113
  • Full Adult Email Fee $97
  • Adult Joint Fee per person  $90
  • Adult Joint Email Fee per person $82
  • Young Adult (18-24) $80
  • Young Adult (18-24) Email Fee $64
  • Half Year Adult (New Member Only) $56


LHSCD 70th Anniversary Dance

Our club’s 70th Anniversary Dance is in 5 weeks time which is really exciting. Hopefully you already have Saturday 7th September marked on your calendar. Andrea and Chris have been teaching us the dances and over the next few weeks we will be having the opportunity to dance them again. On Monday 2nd September we will have band members for our dance providing the music that night. Remember to inform ex club members of our special dance.
We will be asking club members to provide 2 plates of food for supper on our formal night. There will be a sheet at the club over the next few weeks where you can indicate what you would like to bring. This ensures we get a good balance of savoury and sweet.

Summer School 2024/25

Summer School 2024/25 is being held in Wellington. What an opportunity to dance with people from overseas as well as around NZ. This is a very special event on our doorstep. They are encouraging JAM members to attend. Those of us who are over 20 are very welcome too. Registrations are open for Summer School and more details are on the website:
Early bird registrations close at the end of the month. You can now apply for scholarships.